Craniosacral Therapy – testimonials from satisfied clients

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Craniosacral Therapy

* Are you having lower back pain that is recurring?
* Are your neck and shoulders stiff from stooping over your computer?
* Do you get migraine headaches often?
* Do you wish to be pain free?
* Do you wish for a healthy body, mind and emotion?

If the answer is YES to any of the above, you are ready for a Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and subtle whole body approach that releases tensions deep in the Central Nervous System so that every other systems in our body can relax and self correct, free itself of pain and other health issues.

How does it work?
Our body comprises of 92% fluid — in the cells, between soft tissues, spinal cord and in the skull cavities. These fluids flow in a tide-like movement. This tidal movement is an expression of health, termed as Breath of Life (BOL) by an osteopath, Dr. William Sutherland in 1900's.

Craniosacral practitioners make light contact on the body and listen to the expression of health within the body. The BOL produces a series of subtle rhythms that can be palpated by trained hands. When physical or emotional or mental stress overwhelms the body, the fluids get restricted, thus the tidal fluctuations are disturbed. When the expressions of the BOL can be facilitated, then health is consequently restored.

Physically, Craniosacral influences the Central Nervous System, brain and spinal cord, as well as the cerebro-spinal fluid that bathes it. It helps you naturally free yourself of pain, stress and discomfort.

Emotionally, Craniosacral can affect very deep and primary patterns while providing the client with resource and space to explore their emotional landscape. Craniosacral provides a deep sense of resourcing within the client, offering a safe container for emotional issues to resolve.

It is for this reasons that Craniosacral Therapy is particularly effective and suitable for :

• mothers and babies who have experienced traumatic birth process;
• babies with misshapen head due to compression and restrictions experienced during forceps, suction or caesarean birth process,
• common infant problems such as colic, poor feeding, excessive crying and breathing difficulties
• young children with learning disabilities, dyslexia, autism, and cerebral palsy
• muscular tension/tightness, stiff neck, shoulders, headaches, migraines and backaches.
• stress and tension related problems, anxiety and depression
• central nervous system disorder, strokes

This therapy is performed on clients fully clothed on a comfortable massage couch.

Adida Shahab — received her training with:
Resonance Trainings 2000 (formerly known as Academy of Bio-Cranial Resonance UK) — main teachers : Ged Sumner, Paul Vick, Collin Perrow, Sheila Kean, and Jenny Keogg.

Body Intelligence Training 2008 — main teachers : Ged Sumner and Steve Haines.

Post Graduate cranial training:
The Spine and Nerve Flow with Steve Haines 2009
Primary Respiration and the Fluid Body with Michael Shea 2010
Working with Mothers, Babies and Children with Ged Sumner 2010

Adida is currently undergoing a tutor training programme with Body Intelligence Training.

She has since been practising Craniosacral Therapy and runs her own clinic in Singapore. She has a background in therapeutic sport massage and trigger point.

She travels to Malaysia, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Beijing and ZhengZhou offering Craniosacral Therapy to brain injured children. Adida also conducts a Family Assistance Biodynamic Touch Workshops. This is a self empowerment workshop to help parents and care givers of brain injured children.

She has also completed Craniosacral Therapy 1 & 2, Advanced CST1, SomatoEmotional Release 1 & 2 and Pediatrics CST conducted by the Upledger Institute Inc. (USA).

She is a member of the Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists, NZ and the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners, USA.


Adida is a ReiKi Master/Teacher since 1995 and conducts ReiKi classes privately. She also conducts meditation classes.

Adida has successfully completed the China Kongjin Qigong Course on Self-Healing in February 1995.

She has also completed Kinesiology — Touch for Health Levels 1 – IV workshops conducted by Dr. Leila Walker, Sydney, in January 2001. Adida is qualified to conduct sessions on muscle testing, muscle testing acupuncture touch and the law of five elements to improve postural balance, reduce physical and mental discomfort.

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